We’re grateful for the many ways our supporters have provided us with love, guidance, and encouragement through our initiation phase of organizational development.Since 2015, we’ve managed to grow, learn, and humbly thrive with help from our extended community of supporters. They volunteer, provide technical assistance, and mentorship in this project’s journey. Our work would simply not be possible without our community! We’re proud of the relationships built with young people in our community, and we look forward to developing this project as part of a long-term vision to give back to our city.
Individual & Affiliated supporters
Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales, PhD
Anthony Navarro, MA
Ariana Martinez
Calina Lawrence
Christina ‘Krea’ Gomez
Gabriel De La Cruz, MA
Harvey Lozada, MSW
Jade Rivera, MPH
Jacqueline Gutierrez
Jennifer Lopez
Joyce Ledezma
Jose Hernandez, MPH
Kevine Boggess
Kian Alavi
Kristia Castrillo, MA
Mitzi Ulloa, MA
Nikhil Laud, MA
Paloma Belara
Patricia Barraza
Prishni Murillo
Reina Tello
Rheema Calloway
Robin Castel, MSW
Ronnisha Johnson, MSW
Sagnicthe Salazar
Shawn Ginwright, PhD
Teresa Almaguer